78th Annual Arizona Girls State

June 1st through June 8th, 2025
University of Arizona Campus

Are you going to be a Senior in High School next year?

Are you interested in the world around you
and what and how things happen?

Are you active in your school and community?

We have something you might want to become involved with. American Legion Auxiliary Arizona Girls State.

For one week this summer, at the University of Arizona in Tucson, you become a citizen of a mythical state…Arizona Girls State.

You live as a citizen of a fictional City that is located in a fictional County in this mythical State.

You elect your leaders; write your own ordinances and resolutions; debate legislation and learn how the judicial process works. Girls State is a “learning by doing” experience.

If this sounds interesting or you would like more information, please see you school counselor for application and more information.