By Megan Burke
Saguaro City Reporter
The delegate’s Tuesday morning began promptly at 8 am in the state house. Governor Esther Malish introduced Lisa Matthews as the speaker for today.
Ms. Mattews currently is the Assistant to the County Administrator in Pima County. The goal of Ms. Matthews’ speech was to educate delegates on what county government is.
However, I walked out of the first meeting of the day not only informed, but inspired to start each day with a purpose.
During the questionnaire section of the speech, one delegate asked Ms. Mattews what motivated her to go to work everyday in an environment that can be emotionally draining at times.
Ms. Matthews answered eloquently; her response still etched in my brain. She began by explaining that her mornings start at 4:30 or 5 am! The delegates burst with laughter, in shock of Ms. Matthews being such an early riser. Ms. Matthews explained that her time in the military shaped her sleeping schedule.
Next, she elaborated that once she is awake, she expresses gratitude for being granted another day.
Finally, Ms. Matthews reminds herself that she only has 24 hours to make a difference. She questions, “Will I use these 24 hours being mad, annoyed, talking about others? No.” Once she lays her intentions, Ms Matthews begins her day with determination to accomplish her goals.
Every day counts in the battle of accomplishing change. Delegates from across Arizona are united with their passion to improve their community or nation. We all have bills we want passed, legislation to be changed, and propositions to be discussed.
Wasting one’s day distracted by pointless arguments and gossip slows down this revolution for reform. Instead, labeling your intentions right when you wake up lays the foundation for a great day.
I may not wake up at 4:30 am like Ms. Matthews but I will be implementing her advice into my morning routine.
Girls State expresses endless gratitude to Lisa Matthews for sharing her guidance and wisdom to the delegates.
After a week of speeches, delegates are truly going to leave Girl States skilled and inspired as the future changemakers in society.