By Megan Kolisek Blatecky
Saguaro City Reporter
June fifth started off with our county and state speakers campaigning, and all the girls did absolutely amazing. The amount of enthusiasm and support after everyone spoke truly showed just how much of a community has formed here in the span of a few days.
The presentations before lunch of grace are so diverse and through the differences in belief we all come together to create an amazing and inclusive place for everyone.
After the rally the night before there was an environment of mutual respect and it really allowed everyone to showcase who they were and what they wanted for Girls State. So many perspectives and ways of thinking were shared and even though not everyone agreed, the discussions were beneficial and respectful.
These girls have the tact and ability to voice their opinions without needing to resort to yelling or insults, and these are the type of people we really need in our political system.
During the speeches the girls were given a limited amount of time and they used every second to advocate for themselves and every presentation was unique.
Many had extraordinary academics and achievements and others were so passionate they had others in the audience wanting to join in.
The various perspectives and bills proposed showcased just how much diversity in thinking we have gathered at girls state. Overall every single competitor was respectful and anyone can see just how wonderful our futures look with these girls representing us.