Mia Fredericks – City of Palo Verde

The 51st state has some serious talent! Citizens displayed their unique passions during the statewide talent show. From the city of Palo Verde, Ms. Barrio captivated the audience with her body contortion talent! As a viewer, I thought her bones were going to break, turns out Ms. Barrio has been able to master the art of body contortion, talk about a unique skill! 

Today, citizens had the opportunity to hear from candidates for the governor and secretary of state offices. In addition, the team of reporters were able to interview each individual to determine who would be the best fit for each position.  Thought provoking questions arose from each reporter, and unveiled the candidates extraordinary moral complexes. A common interest area amongst all candidates was improving statewide education, and protecting the 51st States ecosystem. One thing is for certain, the future’s looking bright! 

Supai’s governor candidate, Ms. Steenhard proposed her plan to increase the quality of education, which she would accomplish by creating incentives for teachers. Additionally, if elected governor, Ms. Steenhard will collaborate with other states that have a successful education system, to determine specific ways to improve the education system. 

In the secretary of state race, each candidate addressed how they plan on improving the environment.  One creative proposal by Ms. Swanton included integrating environmental engineering with state operations to maintain a green footprint. Great work ladies! 

Talent show and state elections
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