By Jordan Casey

Juniper City Reporter

Today I had the absolute entertainment of witnessing county and state elections. I enjoyed every step of the process and hearing all of the girls give marvelous, well-oriented speeches for their position. 

As I was listening to all of the fellow young-ladies speak, I noticed a pattern between them. How they each talked. What they talked about in relation to what they are running for. 

I decided on three different categories that all people can be separated into. These categories can be crossed, meaning you have the possibility to be two. You can even be all three. 

However, as you read this article, I ask you to ponder the following: Are you a doer, thinker, or dreamer? Read closely and truly consider the raw truth of yourself. Contemplate which category your heart most follows. 

The doers are (by social descriptions) the business managers, marketers, public speakers/ relations, social & community managers, etc. The most occurring definition is the doers are people who are the face and body of society. 

They build things from scratch and make it their own. They take the broken and fix it up to create something functional for others. Nonetheless, the doers are not boxed and bound to be the surface of who only the eyes of society see. 

The doers are people in society who have a gift of goals that they focus on. Behind the scenes, the doers can accomplish monumental tasks that push society along. 

In the candidate discourse, I found that the doers laid out their candid goals in front of everyone. They focus on what they plan for society and don’t let anyone stand in their way. 

The doers are people who believe in themselves and their opinion in order to influence the public. They have guided and shaped the world throughout decades of long history, and they continue to do so today. The doers are purposeful and impressive people who change the world.

The thinkers are (by social description) the engineers, scientists, medical workers, financers, etc. The logical and most idealistic definition is that they are the backbone and the brain of society. They take things into careful consideration and look for the most beneficial route. They usually work behind the scenes. 

On the other hand, the thinkers are not just confined to “brainy” routes in life. I’ve met a lot of adventurous, dare-devil people who are thinkers beneath surface level. 

The thinkers of society are people I find to look at every possible problem, along with every possible solution. During the candidate election speeches, I decided that the thinkers assessed all of the audience viewpoints. 

The “thinker” candidates most consistently talked about statistics of the conflict and how it effects their concerns, then how they plan to change it. They aim for great heights and use the power of their wit to accomplish their goals. They are driven people who put in the work and it shows. The thinkers are strong-minded and valuable to the world.

 The dreamers are (by social description) the authors, artists – of any kind, explorers, designers, etc. The common definition is that the dreamers are the heart of society. They keep the blood of humanity pumping and flowing. They offer balance to the part of society that is grounded. 

The dreamers have their heads in the sky and their hearts in the palms of the doers and thinkers. The dreamers are found anywhere and everywhere. 

Among the candidate elections, I believe that the dreamers are the ones who were filled with passion. They felt what they said in their soul. The “dreamer” candidates showed desire and devotion towards the audience. They have a strong connection with words and within themselves. They raise humankind to a level of aspiration that is out of this world. The dreamers are considerate and irreplaceable in the world.

 So, what are you? A doer, thinker, or dreamer? Do you want to be one, but you’re actually more of another? Are you two, maybe even all three of them?

 If you truly do not know what you could be, then get a friends opinion. Ask a fellow Girls State girly if you seem like a doer, thinker, or dreamer.

 Dedicated to all you fellow doers, thinkers, and dreamers: Follow your heart, you never know where it might take you.

Doers, Thinkers, and Dreamers