By Gargee Tamboli
Pinon City Reporter

The entirety of AZ Girls State assembled in the State House at 8 in the morning to not only discuss general election results but also to say goodbye to the 2022-2023 AZ Girls State governor, Esther Malish, and secretary of state, Stella Lipson. 

After the new governor, Daniela Putu-Kang, and secretary of state, Ivana Grigic, were sworn into office, it was time to say goodbye to the officers who presided overthe 2023 Girls State citizens throughout the week. 

Just as Governor Ester Malish began her farewell speech, she broke into tears, and Secretary of State Stella Lipson took over and began her farewell speech. She spoke about how proud she was of all the citizens of Girls State and that she was honored to be able to serve as secretary of state. 

Shortly after, Governor Malish took over and began talking about her inspiration and role model, her father. She explained that her family lived in South Sudan where her father was taken from the family to serve in the army, to fight either for the people or against the people. She brought up her father’s near death experience, and that prompted many of the Girls State citizens to break into tears. 

Hearing her moving speech inspired the citizens of Girls State to always use their voices and exercise their rights. We will miss Governor Ester Malish and Secretary of State Stella Lipson dearly. 

Tears Shed During Today’s State House