By Sania Patel
Yucca City Reporter

Today, the students of the ALA Girls State Program were ecstatic to meet the incredibly accomplished Governor of Arizona, Katie Hobbs! During this meeting, Hobbs discussed her work and her contributions to her community while also highlighting the importance of passion and proper leadership skills.

To start with some background, Hobbs herself was a Girls State Delegate years ago. Her experience during the program helped her not only realize her future career path but also develop the skills necessary to succeed when in positions of leadership.  

First, Hobbs provided some information about her past education and work. Hobbs studied at Northern Arizona Univesity and Arizona State University, eventually earning a Master’s Degree in Social Work. It was through her social work that Hobbs began to notice the immense amount of issues Arizona was struggling with. 

In order to advocate for what she believed in – and make a real change – Hobbs used the campaigning skills she had learned during her time at Girls State to run for the Arizona House of Representatives in 2010. 

After spending some time serving for the House of Representatives, Hobbs ran – and was elected – for a seat in the Arizona Senate. She served as Senate minority leader and then was later elected as Arizona’s Secretary of State in 2018.

Now, as Governor of Arizona, Hobbs focuses on incorporating leadership into her connection with the community. During her speech, she focused on the importance of humility and honesty, as she stated, “Without truth and accountability, it’s impossible for the government to run smoothly.” 

She also told the girls that, despite the increasing political polarization within the nation, “my goal has always remained the same – and that is to serve my community and my state.”

Following her statement, Hobbs expressed her focus on her mission. According to Hobbs, despite the harassment, political violence, and personal attacks she faced, she continues to “…stay focused on my mission. Not getting bogged down by the harshness of politics has allowed me to work better for the people of Arizona.”

At the end of her discussion, Hobbs handed the floor over to the Mayors of the Girls State cities. Our very own Yucca City Mayor, Caleigh Ragsdale, questioned Hobbs over the involvement of women in the political sphere and – specifically – how women have impacted politics thus far. 

In her answer, Hobbs stressed the importance of overcoming the stereotypes of women in politics, as females bring exceptionally detailed and thoughtful ideas, as well as “bring[ing] a different perspective to the table… it’s not just about creating the jobs and building the economy for everyone, but what that means to someone’s life and their family and how that affects them.”

The Key to Leadership: A Lecture by Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs