By Elyse Gonzales
Sycamore City Reporter

Breaking News! Ivana Grgic has just been announced as the new Secretary State of Arizona Girls State. 

Her speech was outstanding and caught the eyes and ears of all the young women at the Arizona Girls State elections, earning her spot. 

She is a very talented, very kind individual who is always willing to lift up her fellow Girls State delegates. Her campaign was very clever, showing a chair that symbolized a deeper meaning than meets the eye. 

Ivana gave us her insight to what was going through her mind during her campaign. She says “ It was scary not having my usual support system, like my family and friends, but it was honestly way easier then I thought it would be because I made a new support system that was unique and different from what I was used to.” 

“The girls in my city were so supportive of me and I couldn’t have asked for a better family to have made here.” Ivana explains that her fellow city members made her feel extremely welcomed and supported through each process of elections. 

Through that support and friendship, she was able to persevere through every challenge she faced, with multiple positions, as well as executing all of her speeches perfectly. Ivana used all of her exquisite qualities to earn her seat at the table, and as a down to earth leader, she saves seats for the strong minded, and bright young women of Arizona.

The Sweet Sycamore Secretary of State