By Juliana Li and Sydney Schurz
Ocotillo City Reporter

The City of Ocotillo is proud to present to you our newest Arizona Girls State Governor, DANIELA PUTU-KANG! 

As a delegate at Girls State, Daniela entered this camp not knowing what to do. There were so many incredible opportunities available, and Putu-Kang wanted to keep her options open. 

She started small as one of the Precinct-Committeemen from her city, and she became a part of the spirit committee. Although she was pleased with her participation, someone inspired her to do more. 

Daniela’s mom always told her to dream big, and so when she got the chance, Putu-Kang took a chance and decided to run for Governor. Not only her mom, but Esther Malish, the presiding Governor over the 76 ALA Session of AZGS inspired Daniela to run for her position. Malish’s advice was simply this: “Be confident. Be yourself. Tell your own story, and the world will listen.” Putu-Kang took this guidance and ran with it, and here she is now!

When considering campaigning, Daniela took a bit of a different route. Instead of creating posters and telling her peers to vote for her, Putu-Kang just spoke her mind. She talked to a huge amount of citizens about not only her goals, but their own. This strategy highlighted Daniela’s kind and selfless character and put her out there as a friend rather than an opponent. Her bright red pants also brought attention to her running!

As Daniela’s name was called, Ocotillo and the rest of Girls State burst into applause. Daniela, herself, however, recounts, “I was overwhelmed, loved, valued, honored…” 

As she talked, her adjectives were interjected with wistful sighs. She still feels shocked and engulfed in emotion, understandable when all eyes of Girls State are on our Governor-elect. 

Daniela, while excited to get her signature straight, wanted to give some advice from the lessons she learned on her journey to Governor. She wants the girls to “…support each other,” and “…not focus on the things that separate us, but rather focus on things we relate to, as we all want to feel loved and seen.” 

Her campaign was based upon unity, a welcome ideal when Federalists versus Nationals split threatened to tear apart Girls state. 

Ocotillo could not be more thrilled to welcome Daniela Putu-Kang to the office of Governor, and we cannot wait to see the impact she will have in both 2023 and 2024 Girls State!

Up Next, Your New Madame Governor!